Yesterday, March 1st marked exactly 1 month until our closing date on our first home in Bronxville. One month until we wave goodbye to vertical living in favor of a free standing establishment that is ALL ours. One month until we no longer have the luxuries of every takeout restaurant at our fingertips. And just ONE month left to be residents of the magical island of Manhattan. While there is probably something that happens weekly (like the blaring sirens at 11pm zooming past our apartment) to make me long for our suburban future - I'm taking this last month to soak in everything I adore about one of the greatest cities in our Nation.
While we don't have a checklist of things to accomplish before moving to Westchester (because let's face it....we're still both working in the city, and we're really only a 30 minute train ride away!), there are a few things that I'd like to incorporate into our final month as Manhattanites. It's a shortlist of sorts....a little something to keep us entertained and culturally stimulated before these things are just a little bit more "out of reach" if you will. And it means a few more date nights before our little miss arrives.

2. See a Broadway Show - We've been pretty good about seeing most of the major Broadway shows since being New Yorkers. If there is a headliner in town - you better believe that Mike & I will find a way to get as close as we can to the front of the stage. We've seen Billie Joe Armstrong headlining in American Idiot, I think we saw Rock of Ages over 8 times before they ended their 6-year Broadway run last month, we most recently saw Sting in his show, the Last Ship, and we were there during opening week of Les Miserables last year. While it may not always be first on our list of things to do, we're always happy we made it up to Times Square for some good ol' fashioned Broadway entertainment. So even though we have just 3 more weekends left here - I'd love to make it happen for us!
3. A Night (or day!) at the Museum - We spent a cold winter afternoon visiting the Natural History museum a few years ago. I have a feeling that the next time we head there - it will be with a whole new respect as we see it through the eyes of our children. New York has a plethora of some of the world's greatest museums. Whether is the Natural History Museum again, the Met, the MOMA, or if we want to be crazy - the local Museum of Sex (it's a real place...don't laugh!) - we'll definitely hit at least one of these up before March is over.
4. Molly's - Over the past 5 years, Molly's has been the Mobley's version of Maclaren's (for those of you who watch How I Met Your Mother). Countless afternoons and evenings have been spent at Molly's wading through the sawdust covered floors, sipping the finest Guinness in New York City, maybe taking a few shots of Jameson, and squishing as many friends as we could into one of their slightly crooked booths. Obviously, with our recent news of baby Mobley, my visits to Molly's have waned a bit this winter. But it's our true Old Faithful - and the staff knows our order and our favorites. So we'll need to head back to Molly's and pour some out for our next adventure. It will be impossible to replace our local pub when we get to Westchester - but we know we'll have a few options.
And that's it everyone. Just a short-list, because we'll still have the wonders of New York City at our fingertips whenever we'd like. You may hear about some of these little adventures over the next few weeks - and I'll likely be sharing more as we make our official move. But for now, I'm just appreciating every element of this gorgeous concrete jungle - trash, slushy puddles, dirty subways, crazy homeless people and all!
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