Monday, February 23, 2015

Half Baked!

We're officially halfway there!  This week marked 20 weeks into my pregnancy.  Officially 5 months, half baked, over the hump!  There is no hiding this belly now.

So we wanted to take this time to share a few new bumpies with you and update you all on the updates since we've last provided a dedicated baby blog:

How I'm feeling:  fan-freakin-tastic.  To the point where I started getting scared because outside of my growing belly, and the recent growth in my eh hem...chest region - I don't even feel pregnant!  My energy is up, I'm still working out every day, I am eating as healthy as possible (with a little more ice cream than normal), and I'm sleeping well!  Soaking in every second of this glowing part of the pregnancy while I can - because I know that I'll be longing for these days in just a few weeks time!

How is baby feeling?  I've been a little worried these days because I haven't felt my little mango moving around.  A lot of friends I have talked to felt their babies moving around during weeks 16, 17, 18, 19....I'm at week 20, and nothing.  I read a few places that orange juice or apple juice will make her wiggle - or that shining a flash light on my belly might make her squirm.  And I tried both...several times...but nothing.  And then it happened!!!!  I was sitting on the couch eating a VERY late dinner after a 13 hour work day, with my feet up on the coffee table, winding down from the day.  And my sweet little America decided that would be a good time to play!  I felt her first little bumps in my belly and it was the greatest sensation in the world.  The little palpitations I felt in my tummy matched the ones she made me feel in my heart!  Every day since then she's been kicking up a storm in there!  No apple juice or flashlights needed here anymore!!!  The only hard thing is that Mike can't feel her yet - but soon enough.

What I'm craving:  I'm so glad to be back to my healthy eating habits with a few added treats before I go to sleep.  But I have an insatiable craving for FroYo...that's all I want...every day.  But somehow every FroYo restaurant in our neighborhood within a 4 block radius has closed.  And walking more than that when it's 10 degrees outside, just doesn't seem like a smart thing to do.  So my solution has been SMOOTHIES!  Smoothies every day....if I can put it in my nutri-bullet, I'll blend it.  I just can't have enough of them.....And it's probably a healthier alternative to FroYo anyway.  So I guess that's a good trade-off!

What I've been living in:  I'm holding on for dear life to my non-maternity pants.  So basically, my bella band has been my saving grace...almost every day.  It's also still ridiculously cold here in New York, so I'm just happy my winter coat can still fit over this bulging belly.  Just a few more weeks of this cold!!!

What I'm looking forward to: We're moving to our house in just a few weeks time & I am so thrilled that we'll be able to decorate her nursery before she gets here.  I've created a very organized Pinterest board of how I envision little baby girl Mobley's nursery will look- and we already did a little shopping to get ideas of cribs & rockers.  But we just can't wait to roll up our sleeves and get everything started in there!

I'm not sure if I've mastered the art of the "bumpie" yet, but I'm trying to be more diligent about taking them weekly so I have them for our little one.  We are going in for a few doctors appointments next week - and can't wait to have some more pictures of our tiny little girl!  But for now we're 20 weeks down...20 to go!!!

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