Monday, May 18, 2015

8 MONTHS!!!!

Ok people - we're in the home stretch!!!!  8 months down - just 2 more to go until we get to hold our sweet little miracle.  This 8 months thing MAY be what everyone was talking about when they say that things start to get just a little bit more difficult as our little one's due date gets closer.  Here is an update of how we are at 32 weeks!

Size of Baby:  The size of a honeydew

How is mommy doing?

The good:  I'm shocked to report, that I'm still maintaining my "energizer bunny-esque" ways.  I imagine myself as that little pink bunny, but instead of the drum...I just have this massive belly.  I end my days in absolute shock that I actually accomplished as much as I did.  I'm not sure if it's the extreme nesting (sounds like it could be a show on HGTV), I'm not sure if it's the new house WITH the extreme nesting, or if I really am this crazy lady.  Don't get me wrong, I'm exhausted at the end of the day - but what I'm able to accomplish before my head hits the pillow is still pretty amazing.

Also, while this isn't a symptom, other people's reactions to me being heavily pregnant have been quite amusing these days.  I've been offered seats on the train, people visibly step out of my way when they see me walking down the sidewalk (as if I was wearing a giant sign that says "WIDE LOAD"), I get extra bread at the salad restaurant I frequent at lunch, a stranger wished me a "Happy Mother's Day" while I was walking to Grand Central a few weeks ago, and a homeless man told me I should name my baby after him!.  I'm enjoying these simple pleasantries through out my day - just a few more reasons to smile.

The Bad: I'm having a lot less patience these days people.  On a scale of 1-10 as to how full my my patience tank's probably like a 3.  NO ONE is safe!  Anything can be annoying, and it's random, and it can come out of no where.  So just beware.  The fact that you wear shoes in the house could boil my blood, the way you close a cabinet might set me off, what you order for lunch could completely send me on a terror, and I might even just have an issue with the face you're making at me.  So beware - and I apologize in advance.  It's not me judging or reacting, I blame it on my daughter.

I'm not happy to report that the visceral reaction to smells is back!  I thought that this was going to go away after the 1st trimester, but it's back, and I'm back to the selective choices for dinner.  Don't get me wrong, I'm hungry all the time and I WANT to eat everything.  But certain foods just make my stomach turn.  The past few nights I've opted for ice cream or cereal for dinner - mainly because it had no real odor.  And also, because ice cream.

Finally is the pregnancy insomnia.  I'm not worried or anxious like I was during the first trimester.  This time it's more about comfort...and heartburn.  I'm exhausted by the time I GET in bed....but it's the falling asleep part that's a little bit more tough.  

The Ugly:  AND, cue the swelling.  I was so thrilled that I had made it through 31 weeks of pregnancy with no swelling.  And right at that 8 month mark my feet turned into Hobbit Feet.  Like it looks like I'm wearing someone else's feet as my feet.  My feet are reminiscent of a memory foam mattress - like if you pinch them just a little bit, it takes a while for the pinch marks to bounce back to normal.

I can't even explain the heartburn....most days I just walk around holding a bottle of Tums, because I just need them all day, every day.  Doesn't even matter what my choice of meals was that day.  It wakes me up at night, it keeps me up when I'm trying to go to sleep, it interrupts my phone calls and meetings, and it's even given me a sore throat.  We're battling through.  There is a very famous old wives tale that says - if you are plagued with heartburn all pregnancy, it means your baby is going to have a full head of hair.  So if that's true, I'll have a little Rapunzel come D-Day.  I'll grin and bear it for my child's beauty - anything for a killer head of hair!

How is baby doing?  Baby is doing great!  Now that we're in the home stretch, we are seeing the doctor more frequently - every 2 weeks for the next month.  We haven't had any sonograms since 22 weeks, but from measurements and the doctor feeling my belly, we've been assured that baby America is measuring right on schedule and that she appears to be perfectly positioned.  We'll go in next week to start getting sonograms as we get closer to my due date, but she's doing well!  And she moves ALL the time.  We've started to be able to feel her different body parts when she moves at night!  It's so weird being able to see the bump from that little foot poking me in my ribs!

What I'm craving:  Candy.  All kinds of candy.  Chocolate candy, sour candy, crunchy candy, hard candy, chewy candy, ANY candy.  This isn't much different than how I was before pregnancy, I love candy.  YES people, everything in moderation.....I have not exceeded my recommended pregnancy weight gain, I'm keeping an eye on myself and balancing candy intake with leafy green salads for lunch.  But OMG candy....

What I'm missing:  Now that I'm generally the size of a house with legs, I'm missing some of the mundane daily activities that I used to be able to do with ease.  I miss being able to seamlessly shave my legs, or pick up something I dropped, or lean over to sweep up a small pile of dirt, or getting in to the lowest drawer in my bathroom, or being able to sit down without it being a bit of a trust-fall exercise.  My feet are completely gone....I'm belly for a far as the eye can see when I stand up....sometimes I trip over things on the street/sidewalk below me, simply because I can't see them!  I stepped DIRECTLY into a pothole this AM...because it was virtually invisible!  So yes, I miss the normal daily things that you non-preggos take for granted!  

What I'm fearful of:  Something going wrong in this last home stretch.  America and I have had a wonderful pregnancy together the past 32 weeks.  Every appointment has been good news, followed by more good news.  We're just weeks away from the finish line, and I want to do everything in my power to make sure that we are both still healthy and ready when D-day gets here.  I'm thankful for the more frequent doctor's visits, and I'm thankful we'll be keeping an eye on her now with some sonograms starting next week, but I still worry that there is time for some mishap.  So hang in there baby America!  It's almost time for your grand entrance!

What I'm looking forward to:  Holding our little girl!  We have a few pieces of clothing (her wardrobe is not in "coming home" shape just yet) and a few gifts that we've received that had to be washed.  So I washed/folded them with special baby detergent at home to put away in her little changing table, just waiting for her arrival.  There isn't even a baby in those little onesies, and I was already overwhelmed by that sweet baby smell.  I don't care if she's screaming her face off, or if she's snuggling into my neck, or if I'm watching her daddy hold her and feed her a bottle....I just can't wait to hold that little nugget.

For those of you who didn't know, we have taken to calling our tiny creature America, mainly because of the proximity of her due date to the 4th of July.  I'm sorry to anyone I may disappoint (but let's face it, most of you are probably relieved), but that is NOT going to actually be her name.  Mike and I have a few names that we are deciding between - some of them are stronger contenders than others, but we're going to name her when we meet her for sure.  Yay for less than an 8 week countdown!  I'm hoping for a speedy and restful last few months baking this little bun in the oven. She's almost here!

Monday, May 11, 2015


There has been a lot going on in the Mobley household over the past few weeks.  We moved into our house, this baby's impending arrival is getting closer and closer, the DuPonts just had an unfortunate death in the family last week, we just celebrated 4 glorious years of marriage, and our home has become an open door for visitors from our family members and friends. All of that aside, I wanted to make a quick shout out to the most important man in my life, because he deserves to have a special moment of acknowledgement among all the madness.

Mike isn't a birthday person, and typically likes to fly under the radar on his big day.  But everyone deserves a little love on their one special day every year.  This year, Mike found small and satisfying ways to have his day HIS way.  We invited friends to meet us at the Oyster Bar at Grand Central before heading home, we had a meal of his choosing for dinner (pizza of course), I finally caved and surprised him with the Margaritaville Adirondack chairs he's been wanting for the past 5 years, and we invited a few friends over for a small gathering at our house to warm up our new home, fire up the grill, and inadvertently stock our bar.  We even had a surprise guest appearance from the Bucks - which I think was one of Mike's FAVORITE birthday gifts!

Happy birthday to my fantastic husband.  I love you to pieces, and can't wait to see what is in store for you this next year of your life - especially with our little America just months away.  While you might be the best person in the world to me, it's even more remarkable is how many other people love YOU!  You maintain the deepest and most meaningful friendships and you have an amazing quality to brighten every room - even on your worst days.  And even though you've been in my life for almost 8 years, I still learn something from you every day.  I hope we were all able to brighten your life just a little bit more for you on your birthday, like you do for all of us!  Happy birthday Mike - you dapper, festive, handsome, serotonin-filled dream!  Happy HAPPY birthday!  I LOVE YOU!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Tribute to Mommies!

I know I am still 56 days (who's counting) away from little America's due date, and I know that up until now, I've only been a fur mommy, but this year brings me such a different appreciation and admiration on this Mother's Day.  I'm not sure if it's the hormones or the fact that I'm mere weeks away from getting to hold our precious baby girl, but I'm much more nostalgic on this day than any of the previous years.

I'm not sure if it's ironic or intended to be this way, but the past 7.5 months, I've never needed my mom more.  Having a child on your own is the ultimate passage into adulthood and growing up, but somehow I've been MORE dependent.  With a baby on the way, we couldn't be more excited, but it's also so terrifying, and there is a barrage of advice that comes at me from every direction.  Organic vs. non-organic wipes & diapers, glass bottles vs. plastic bottles, breast-feeding vs. formula...I just can't even handle or process the information.  The only solace is in our mothers and my grandmother, because whatever they did must have worked out right - they all made some pretty awesome kids...even if they didn't know that nitrates and unpasteurized cheese are no good during pregnancy!

Our mommies didn't have Amazon Prime or next day delivery from  Our mommies didn't have an arsenal of blogs to reference for advice.  Our mommies didn't visit message boards on What-to-expect to ask for feedback from strangers.  Our mommies didn't rely on our entertainment to come from iPhones or iPads on airplanes....we had good ol' fashioned coloring books!  How they raised us all without any of those things is remarkable....and admirable.  All of the shortcuts in life that are designed to make life and motherhood easier were not around when we were all babies my friends....and I've never heard one complaint from them about any of that.

Now I don't know how I would have completed my registry (or even started it for that matter) without my fellow mom friends.  I'm so grateful to you all for the recommendations and reviews on the newest and best baby gear.  I admire all of you who have learned to manage having it all.  Starting families, maintaining your fabulous lifestyles, and (most of you) juggling an impossibly busy career.  Sure, I've heard nightmare stories, and I've seen some of my peers after sleepless nights, but I hear more stories of elation and unconditional love despite the rough patches that might pop up along the way. You are all beautiful.  

The past few months, I haven't been able to avoid the comments of predictive nature telling me what I'm going to be like.  "Once you're a mom, you'll be like X" or "when the baby is here, you'll never have time for Y" and "say goodbye to Z."  Yes, all you mommies may be totally right, and I am completely ignorant to they type of mother I'll be when America is born.  But what I do know, is that my husband and I were raised by two of the most beautiful, graceful women who make motherhood look glamorous and absolutely effortless.  So I can only hope to be half the mothers they were to us.  When I think about what kind of mother I want to be, I don't listen to what other people tell me I'll be like, I just pray that I'm even a little like them!

On this Mother's Day, we miss both of our moms.  We'll see them both within the next few weeks, but we're not able to celebrate with them.  Instead, I spent this day folding the tiny laundry from our future daughter's wardrobe.  Socks that are impossibly small, and cardigans that I couldn't even begin to fold because they resemble baby doll sweaters, and blankies that I can't wait to snuggle her in when we're rocking her to sleep.

So while it's impossible to reciprocate or ever give our mothers any gift big enough to thank them for the wonderful lives you gave us,, we hope that we can bring you the next best thing and that is your grand daughter in July!  And even though she's not here yet, I can say that I have a different appreciation for all of you - our own moms and our mommy friends.  Happy Mother's Day to all of you mother's out there and especially the two soon-to-be grandmothers who we just love more than life!  We're eternally grateful and we're sorry for those phases we had when we were giant jerks!  Can't wait to see you both soon!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Yard Crashers!

Pops getting started on clearing out all the clutter

My family has a history of seeking peace and solace in their yard work and gardening.  My great Uncle Roger had a meticulously manicured lawn, my father spends hours on end making improvements to his yard, and my grandmother has found great happiness in the seasonal blooms from her garden.   I'm not sure I've had the opportunity to embrace that affinity, just yet....until last weekend!
40 bags of mulch later!

We had my dad in town for a long weekend to help out with some of the projects we had outstanding from the move.  Once all of the indoor projects were tackled though, my dad and I took on our front yard.  When we bought the house, and up until just a few weeks ago, the evidence of a very long, and cold winter was being displayed by the twigs and bare trees that surrounded our home.  It's been a pleasure to see what is coming up and blooming now that spring is in full swing!  However, what we've also noticed, now that things are starting to fill in, is how absolutely overgrown our yard is now.  It was in dire need of a little tidying.

Yeah, he wasn't much help...
And that's where Pops comes in!  We've made several trips to Home Depot, but none as serious as this one.  We wheeled in the BIG cart to stock up on 20 bags of mulch, and every outdoor tool you could think of ever needing...rakes, hand saws, sheers, gardening gloves, you name it!  We returned home to use each and every one of these tools to cut out all of the excess and clear out the mess of weeds and ivy that had taken over the house and our front yard.  We'd return to Home Depot later to DOUBLE (yes, DOUBLE) our mulch supply, because 20 bags was only sufficient for the left side of our yard!

We didn't need to plant anything new - we have willows, hydrangeas, crocuses, daffodils, and azaleas coming in with the rest of the perennials, and they look glorious.  All we needed to do was tidy it up, lay down some mulch, fertilize our grass a bit, and give everything a nice good watering.  It took us about 6 or 7 hours in total, and I was only useful when it came to raking/sweeping up the debris since I couldn't exactly bend down in the dirt with my Pops, but the end results were amazing.  The yard work I did with my dad was among the most rewarding of any home project we've done since moving to the house.
It might be easier to hire a gardener - and it would definitely save some time to have someone else do the work.  But after spending the 6 hours in my front yard with my dad, it made so much sense to me why he spent every Saturday of my life outside.  A day in the yard brings you the best kind of instant gratification - the "Hey everyone... come and see how good my yard looks" kind of instant gratification.  It gives you the best kind of exhaustion too - the "I worked really hard on something really rewarding to be this tired" kind of exhaustion.

I said at the beginning of this year that 2015 was going to be all about cutting the clutter, and why wouldn't that apply to our yard???  Even in my heavily pregnant state, it felt so good to get out in the yard and make outdoor renovations to my new home.  Mike was away for the weekend on a little man-cation, but he came home to a complete yard flip.  We now have an arsenal of yard tools, and an wealth of knowledge in my dad's expertise.  I can't wait to see what we can do to the rest of the yard!  AND, we can't wait to share our progress with you all!