Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Happy New York-versary to US!

Mike and I started our New York adventure together on April 1st, 2010...officially 4 years ago today.  We moved to Manhattan as recently engaged and brand new fur-parents to an 8 month old English Bulldog.  Looking back on those first few months in New York, it was such an exciting time for the two of us.  Moving to a brand new city, living together for the first time, both of us being reunited with lifelong friends (although SOME of those friends have since LEFT the city....), planning our dream wedding, and building a life for ourselves for the first time as a little family.

And sure there were some difficult days.  I never thought I'd be able to keep up with the "work hard, play hard" professional mentality that accompanies the Mad Men-esque advertising industry in New York.  And I did need to have a few slumber parties with my cousin during Mike's first few business trips.  And let's not even get IN to how hard it is to get a bulldog on a California agenda trained to keep up with the hustle and bustle of the city streets.  I strategically planned our walks to avoid crossing the street because it took MONTHS to get Winston to successfully make it through a crosswalk on a busy street before the hand stopped flashing and the traffic light turned green.

I wanted to do something special to celebrate four years as Manhattan residents so I surprised Mike with orchestra tickets to go see one of his favorite Broadway musicals, Les Miserables.  Les Mis has not been on Broadway since we've lived here and it JUST came back one week ago, so I was thrilled to be able to get tickets.  And what's more New York-y than a spontaneous Sunday matinee at the theater?  The play was fantastic, and I'm glad that we took a break from our crazy traveling schedule to to something for the two of us, but also so unique to New York (yes...Unique New York, for you Anchorman fans).

New York has become such a huge part of our lives and our marriage that it's hard to even imagine what it would have been like if we had never moved here.  And just like the day we moved across the country 4 years ago, Mike and I find ourselves at another exciting point in our lives.  We're coming up on 3 years of marriage, we're getting ready to grow our family, taking yearly advetures to Europe & socking away money to buy our dream home.  We love this concrete jungle and all the craziness that it brings to us every day. Here is to four years as New Yorkers & for falling in love with this city more and more every day!

Photo Cred: Matty Novo from last September!

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