Sunday, April 5, 2015

Closing time!!!

It's ironic that I'm writing this entry on the first week of April because this is the time of year that I usually am recognizing our yearly anniversary of falling more in love with New York City.  We moved here on April 1st exactly in 2010.  Since then, I've developed an even stronger admiration for the city that never sleeps...summer smells and winter woes included.  But this year, on the 5th anniversary of our move to New York, we are celebrating something a little different.....

Winston on his first day in
New York 5 years ago

Not the never-ending energy of Manhattan, or the bottomless access to the world's greatest restaurants, or the infinite options of nightlife and amazing Broadway shows.  Not the gorgeous daily walk I make through Madison Square Park or the unique skyline that squeezea my heart every time I'm in a car home from the airport.  And not the apartment that has been the site of our engagement, our marriage, and where we found out we were going to be expanding our family.

Winston on his first day in his
new house!
We're celebrating our first home!  On this week....5 years to the day of us moving to New York, we celebrate our departure from the island of Manhattan as we embark on our next journey to the suburbs.  This week, we're celebrating our new home in Bronxville, New York.

After a 130 day escrow period (yes, we were very generous), we finally closed and signed all the paperwork for our very own home.  A free standing building all to ourselves!  A driveway where we don't have to pay for parking!  A backyard for Winston to roam free at any time!  A place for us to host our family from out of town!  But most importantly....a place to bring home our first little baby girl!

We might not be Manhattanites anymore, but our home purchase in Bronxville keeps the New Yorker in us.  So we celebrated like any normal New Yorker would do in acknowledgement of 5 years with this fabulous city - we saw Billy Joel in concert at MSG!  Last year, we did something super New York-y by heading to a Broadway play - but this one kind of takes the cake.  Billy Joel is Mr. New York himself - and baby Mobs danced the night away in my belly!

So while it is bittersweet to leave our Gramercy Park apartment in our rear view, we're looking forward to building our lives in Bronxville.  What a momentous week this has become for us over the past few years - and April 1st will always bring such sweet significance to the Mobleys.  We can't wait to share our new suburban adventures with you all, and wish us luck on the move & home improvements as we get our home baby & visitor ready.  Feel free to come visit us any time!  Our doors (and guest bedroom) are always open!
First meal in the new digs!

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