Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Joys of being a Homeowner!

My GOODNESS moving is a lot of work.  Mike and I thought it would be a good idea to have the movers take only the heavy stuff & furniture, and we could easily move everything else in the Jeep between Manhattan and Bronxville.  Oh, AND, I would be close to 7 months pregnant....awesome idea right?  Not really...

Our move wasn't so much in one day per se, it took us the better part of an entire week, not counting the time we spent heading into the house a weekend early to paint a few of the key rooms (yes, the painting was another home expense we saved money on by doing ourselves - that one was actually ok.  I'm a REALLY good painter!).  And by the time we got in, it looked like an absolute war zone.  It was a little deflating to see how much we really have to do....we came to Bronxville with MAYBE a room's worth of furniture...and now we have an entire HOUSE to furnish!  It feels like it could take an eternity to get everything finished the way we want it.  But I welcome the challenge and will embrace the decorating!

Aside from being completely overwhelmed by the physical act of packing, moving, unpacking and organizing - we couldn't be more thrilled about finally being in our home.  We love that we can sleep with the windows open and not hear any sirens or crazy street noise.  We love that we can make breakfast together on the weekend and enjoy it from our kitchen window seat.  We love that we can do our own laundry for the first time in 5 years and don't have to save up our quarters for the machines.  We love having TWO BATHROOMS - the key to any good marriage.  We love that we don't have to put on coats and Winston's leash every time he needs to go to the bathroom.  We love that we have already been able to host our first family visitors when my parents came out to help us during move-in weekend.

We love the sounds of our wood floors settling at night because our house was built in 1923.  We love waiting to see what perennials will bloom in our yard now that we're in the full swing of spring time. We love the small victories and satisfaction at the completion of a project, or when a delivery comes that is just perfect.  We love having a walk-in closet that holds BOTH of our clothes (and I must admit....Mike actually has more than I do), and not having to do the daily wrestle anytime you want to take one thing out of the closet. We love having neighbor friends from the city who have graciously hosted us for dinner at their homes.  And even though we have to get up much earlier to catch the train, we love that we can commute to and from work in the city together every morning and most evenings.

So far it's been an adventure since we've lived here, and we have and endless amount of home improvement and decorating projects in our future.  We've already been to Home Depot more times in one week than we have in our entire lives and I can already make my way to and from Bed, Bath & Beyond without using the GPS.  Winston is having a bit of separation anxiety with so much space, but he adjusted to his backyard rather quickly once he figured out that he can play with his favorite ball out there.  We promise to share pictures of our projects and room completions once we get moving, but for now, we're just settling and trying to take everything one room & one piece at a time,  So far, this is suiting us quite well.  We love our little home in the burbs!
Winston clearly being extremely helpful with the painting of our guest bathroom!

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