This year, by random computer selection, Mike and I were not on the same team, which helped fuel the competitive fire between us...well...mostly me. And though my team, Team Dewey Beach (this year the theme was the beaches of the world!) came in 3rd to Mike's team (Team Venice Beach), the Dewey Devils were stacked. I've uploaded a few pictures from the events...and I think we were robbed of a few points!
But outside of the games, the weekend was such a great time to spend with our friends. We all live together in the city, but it was like a GIANT group getaway that was only a few hours away (well longer than anticipated this year due to unforeseen monsoons & car trouble)! We stayed at the Ocean Dunes in
Amagansett...and for those who like to party, I do not recommend you stay there unless you agree to abide by the 9p "curfew". Riad adoringly nicknamed the Ocean Dunes the "Ocean Prunes" based on the retirement home nature of the condos.
Some other memorable moments from the weekend are the costumes! For those of you who don't know, Mike LOVES dressing up in costumes, in was one of his vows to me in our wedding ceremony. So if you put a festive/nautical beach weekend together with a weekend of themed parties, you can imagine some of the attire that our crew brought along with them. We had everything from sarongs (unisex of course) to crab hats...yes...crab hats.
We were so sad to come back...not to mention how terrible three days straight of partying is for your serotonin levels. The weekend of the 2011 Gansett Games was amazing and we can't wait until 2013 (seems like SO FAR AWAY!), and even though we came in third...GO TEAM DEWEY BEACH! (Sorry hunny!) :)
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