Garrett & I are not even 22 months apart. Ever since that little dude was born, we were best buddies - even though as babies, we couldn't have been more opposite. Garrett had a permanent drool spot on his shirts until he was about 2, while I barely ever had so much as an un-tucked shirt. Garrett played with bugs and toads, I couldn't be bothered with a spec of dirt. Little Garrett was known to have left-over food stuck in his sippy cup, and I had impeccable table manners. Garrett was infatuated with all things sports before he was even a year old, I was busy reading the encyclopedia in my room. Garrett was fearless and daring, while I was a little scaredy cat who did everything according to the rules. And Garrett's hair was styled in all different directions, while I never had one little curl out of place.

Despite some of your typical sibling squabbles, Garrett and I grew up as best friends and he's one of the greatest guys I've ever known. I was lucky to be able to spend
Garrett's birthday with him last year when he was in New York for work, but this year the big guy's birthday fell on a Saturday - which means he got the whole weekend to celebrate in Dallas - which he very well did!

Happy Birthday Garrett - you may be 28 and 6 inches taller than me, but you'll always be "my little brother". There is no one I'd rather laugh with when mom yells at us. And no one else I'd rather conspire with to poke fun of my husband. You are, and forever will be one of my favorite people to party with in the entire world. I'll forgive you this once for all those times you tattled on me and then smiled at me behind mom's back while she disciplined me.
I hope this birthday was fantastic and I can't wait to see you to celebrate! I know 28 is going to bring you some wonderful things. We love you brochacho!
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