Monday, October 10, 2011

Couch Potatoes

Michael and I have been married for almost 6 months, and I get the same "how does it feel to be married" question at least once a week.  I'm not sure I've gone more than 4 or 5 days with out getting the question "how different is your life now that you're a wife?".   The first few times I got that question...I played around with fun answers like "well all our plates match now" or "we have a lot more bar ware now".   Or if I was really trying to be quick, I went with the anti-climactic answer of  "it's not much different".  

But that's not true.  Yes, I have a lot more really sharp knives and I spend more of my time trying to figure out what to make for the perfect dinner with my husband, but there IS a difference after you get married.  It doesn't matter if you've lived together for 6 years or had a 3 year engagement.  It doesn't matter if you dated for 8 months or 18 years before getting married.  It feels different when you're married...a LOT different.   Married couples spend a lot more time making "life decisions".  Life decisions like "how can we get to see both of our families around the holidays" or "which neighborhoods are the best for when we decide to have children", "where are we going to live in 10 years".  And for us, our life decision this week was all about buying a couch!
We have the most comfortable custom Room & Board sectional couch.  Every Sunday Mike and I can stretch ourselves out completely into our perspective sections while still cuddling with Winston.  We've switched out the pillows once a year to give the couch a new look.  If there was an excess of dog slobber or god forbid a catastrophic spill (usually from me), those little cushions just unzip and go right into the washing machine.  But we do live in New York, and a sectional isn't the best choice for a Manhattan one-bedroom.  Since we've decided to stay in our apartment a bit longer, we've decided it was time to re-invigorate the space and say good buy to the cozy sectional.  So it was very exciting to head out with Mike to make our first BIG purchase as a married couple.  I know that eventually we'll be making bigger purchases together, like houses and cars, but this blog is about how our marriage is progressing and developing, and this was just another step. 
Crate & Barrel was having a pretty big upholstery sale for the Columbus Day and we still had a bit of credit from wedding gifts, so it was a perfect time to shop for our little investment.  Our decision was a great display of compromising both of our individual styles for something that was perfect for our little home.  And it wasn't a decision that was made quickly.  We sat on what felt like hundreds of houses and scoured over racks and racks of wonderful fabrics.  When decided on the couch/fabric, I was disappointed to hear that our couch wont come for another 10-12 weeks.  But it was more important to me to get the exact couch that we wanted and wait, than to settle for something just so that we could get it quicker.  So here it is in all it's glory!!!  Well...that's he shape of the sofa we purchased...our fabric & color are different, but I'm clearly happy about the purchase as you can tell here!

For anyone in apartments looking to buy a new couch, make sure you ask your building management about the size of the elevators to ensure that you can in fact get your purchase into your apartment.  We had to measure our elevator ourselves and speak to our super, but luckily, we're clear. 

A new couch means we'll be buying other items to enhance our cozy little living room, and we're a long way from where the room is going to be, but guess what?  I have 10-12 weeks to figure that out! :)

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