Since my parents bought their new home in Texas, their relaxing retreat has become the new norm at Thanksgiving for Mike & I the past few years...and we love it! We headed down South for Thanksgiving the Wednesday before and the three days we were in Texas felt like they flew by much too quickly. The weekend was full of some of the typical traditions that surround the family during the holidays. These include dad's turkey on the Weber (the best way to cook a turkey in my opinion!), the boys enjoying some post dinner festive pipes, a little turkey day football (the Bears were playing this year....and proceeded to embarrass the entire family with their suckiness), some family games, and snuggles on the couch...with all of us...including all three dogs!

Thanksgiving was later in the month this year - which was a little bit of a bummer, because it's one of my favorite days of the year. But even though it came and went so quickly, I still love my dedicated post to take time to reflect on the things I'm most grateful for this year.
All my siblings - I grew up with one brother, and my family has officially grown by a few siblings - including my newest sister Jenny who just became a DuPont this year. I'm so blessed to have both sets of brothers & sisters who are some of the greatest friends we could have. We got to see Garrett & Jenny in Texas of course, but we miss Jennifer & Bill in San Francisco terribly - especially during the holidays! We're so very grateful for you all, and everything you all bring to enriching our lives. I only wish we all lived closer! Who wants in on a DuPont/Mobley compound!? :P
Health & Happiness - Another year has come around where we are so thankful for the health and happiness of each and every one of our family members. We celebrated some major milestone birthdays this year. My father celebrated a golden birthday turning 57 (and he was BORN in '57), Mike's father celebrated his 80th birthday, I celebrated my 30th, and my grandmother turned 80 this year as well. As we add these candles to our birthday cakes, and as we watch another fantastic year come to a close, I couldn't be more grateful that we all have our health - one of life's greatest blessings.
The world's most supportive parents - I just adore all four of them. We have two sets of parents - with 32 and 44 years of marriage together. They are not only fantastic examples for a loving marriage, but they are our greatest support system, they are our best friends, and they are so proud of us - for everything we do. We've had a crazy year with pressures from work, our world travels, and our new house hunt - and we can't wait until we have a home that can host them so that we can see them more! They are always there for us when we need advice, guidance, or just a buddy to have a pint or a pipe with us (well the pipe more for Mike!). The four of them are all different in their own way, and I think that when we eventually have a little one, we have four of the greatest role models on the planet.
My Husband - I just adore him too...I REALLY, really do. He is the world's most patient man. He's understanding and doesn't say a peep when I'm jetting off what seems like every other week for work commitments, he makes every accommodation for me when I'm working late, he drops off my dry cleaning (that's an expensive chore!), and he is the best fur daddy to Winston. He puts everything he has into planning our dream vacations every single year - and because of him, we've been able to go on a "trip of a lifetime" every year. I'm so grateful every single day for him, the greatest gift I've ever received.
We returned to New York to continue the holiday season, and this time, it was a little bit easier to leave our loved ones behind in Texas, but only because we knew we'd see everyone three weeks later for Christmas! I can't believe it's over already! The Mobleys hope you all enjoyed a blessed and enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday!
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