Winston was beat from chasing an endless supply of "balls" (aka apples everywhere!) when we got home from the Mobley farm adventure, and we had arm fulls of perfect pumpkins. I can't wait to continue the tradition of visiting an authentic pumpkin patch next year and in the years to come. It's just a little embarrassing when everyone is taking pictures of their little babies among piles of pumpkins - and I'm whistling at Winston to pose for some snaps. But when you don't have kids, you take pictures of your prized pup at the farm! If you haven't already visited a real farm for your pumpkins, I strongly urge you to make the trip and enjoy the wonder that is autumn in New York State.
Monday, October 20, 2014
A trip to Harvest Moon Orchards
Winston was beat from chasing an endless supply of "balls" (aka apples everywhere!) when we got home from the Mobley farm adventure, and we had arm fulls of perfect pumpkins. I can't wait to continue the tradition of visiting an authentic pumpkin patch next year and in the years to come. It's just a little embarrassing when everyone is taking pictures of their little babies among piles of pumpkins - and I'm whistling at Winston to pose for some snaps. But when you don't have kids, you take pictures of your prized pup at the farm! If you haven't already visited a real farm for your pumpkins, I strongly urge you to make the trip and enjoy the wonder that is autumn in New York State.
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