I had never made that drive before, and was way too excited when we drove through the miles and miles of cornfields. But it was the last weekend of September, and the leaves were starting to turn - which made for a gorgeous scenery. Mike and I immediately made fast friends on the 2 hour drive from Chicago out to South Bend. I'm glad we had the 2 hours to bond with them on the way out because they all became important pieces of an intense 2 hour sing-along on the post-game ride home.
Notre Dame was playing OU when we were there. For those of you who are not familiar....I started my college education at the University of Texas, where I developed a giant rivalry with OU. But then I transferred to USC - only to develop an even bigger rivalry with Notre Dame - much to some of my extended family's chagrin. Essentially - I was going to watch a game with two of my most hated teams in all of college football. Mike and I usually have the perfect costume for every occasion, but I found myself at a loss here. What DOES someone wear when you went to the rival school of BOTH teams playing? My pops got it right....he wore his UT hat! But he didn't anticipate us sitting RIGHT ON THE EDGE of the OU fan section, so when we got to the game, he wasn't the most popular person in the stadium!
In the end OU won, and it wasn't the closest of games, but despite who you are a fan of, watching a football game at one of the most iconic football stadiums in our Nation is quite the experience. I bleed cardinal and gold - and burnt orange (wow I'm colorful), but it's hard not to get goosebumps when you see the student section at Notre Dame alive with energy as "Touchdown Jesus" looks on. It's something a real sports fan can really appreciate - even if that little Fighting Irish guy makes your skin crawl slightly. Our total time in the midwest was a total of 27 hours (but only because we were delayed coming home), but it was absolutely worth it. I love that we are so blessed to be able to take advantage of these spontaneous trips. Even though it seems like it could be more trouble than it's worth, I'm glad that we take each opportunity we can get to make some memories and experience something new. Because in the end, it's always, ALWAYS worth it.
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