Winston, Boogie, Bobogigio, Jagi, Boogers, Poopie Head, Gigo - no matter how I put it, or what we call him - our little beast is 4 years old. The big guy has charged through another eventful year in New York City and we can't believe how quickly the time has flown! He's almost middle aged - gasp!

I'll never get sick of the compliments Mike and I get daily when we walk him around the park - and I'll never get sick of the reaction I get when people ask me how old my little monster is - and I tell them he's 4 (he does look great for his age). I'll never get sick of his persistent and stubborn attempts at directing his walks in the direction of the pet store, where they spoil him with treats. AND, I'll never get sick of all the friends he's made in the neighborhood, who also give him treats - the liquor store owner, the dry cleaners, the doormen,and the hipsters in the thrift shop next door.

I can't stay mad when I come home and he's decided to take it upon himself to unpack a 500 count box of Q-tips. I can't even keep a straight face when he hits me with a big, heavy claw during dinner so that I can share a morsel of food with him. I wont even yell at him for making snacks of our shoes when we leave him alone too long. I've even come to find it comforting to hear his room-shaking snore all through the night - and it's even endearing when I roll over at 4am to see his little face staring at me next to me - asking with his eyebrows to come snuggle in our bed. I still find it hilarious when he spends 15 minutes "hiding" a bone in the couch, only to watch his defeated face when I "find it" because it was not buried at all....but sticking straight out between the cushions. And I know I should feel bad, it makes me laugh when we're packing for a trip and Winston puts on an act of desperation that could rival some Academy Award winning actors, or defiantly parks his hiney on top of our suitcases to prevent us from packing and the possibility of leaving him behind.

Winston has provided us with 4 years of snuggles, kisses and laughter, and I can't even think of what our life was like before we brought him into it. Winston, you are the World's Most Beautiful Bulldog and we couldn't be happier with the decision we made 4 years ago to bring you home with us - you complete our little family. We can't wait to see what adventures your next year and all of the many years after that have in store for you. We wish you the happiest of birthdays big guy & we love you to the moon and back!
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