So here it goes, the obligatory post-blizzard blog entry. You would have to live in a cave if your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram newsfeeds were not inundated this weekend with pictures and status updates about the great blizzard of the past weekend. And since this blog is devoted to capturing the happenings of the Mobley family, it's also a virtual scrapbook for us to look back at everything we've experienced as a couple since our wedding in 2011.
Photo creds to my cousin John Menzies! |
I haven't been shy about how mean January was. I've been drowning in work since the first day of 2013, and have been feeling a bit like I couldn't quite catch my breath. Outside of launching a massive global campaign, there have been some changes at work that have kept me "on my toes" to put it delicately. My days have consisted of meetings from 9-6, working through lunch, commutes out to New Jersey, commutes back to the city FROM NJ, late nights, and continued LATER nights when I bring my laptop home to continue working through the evening. Alright, you get it, I'm slammed.
Photo Creds: John Menzies |

The point I'm trying to make with my professional sob story is that Nemo couldn't have come at a better time, and this is one of the many things I love about New York city. When life feels like you absolutely cannot cram one more thing into your jam packed life, when you look at your calendar each day and see that you are double, sometimes triple booked and there are meetings through lunch, or when you wear your husband's deodorant for a whole week because you literally cannot find the time in the day to stop by a CVS, and when you haven't made dinner for your husband in a few weeks and the only things in your refrigerator is beer and your husband's coveted stash of coffee ...New York City rewards you with a full day of cancelled meetings, a cleared out calendar day to catch up, an early closing on a Friday, and beautiful winter wonderland.

We got a few extra hours to our weekend when the offices were closed early on Friday afternoon to allow people to get out of the city before being hit with the worst of the storm. Part of me wanted to sit in the cozy Irish pub across the street Friday night, but we opted for takeout and a few glasses of scotch instead. We went to bed Friday night to some light snow and a little bit of slush on the ground, but we woke up with 7 or 8 inches of white powder on our patio on Saturday morning.

We walked around Gramercy Park in the morning and took in the quiet solace of the morning after the Blizzard. There were children jumping in in the fluffy snow banks in the park and parents pulling their children down Lexington in sleds! The rest of the tri-state area got pounded with some places up to 2 or 3 feet, and had it a lot worst off than we had it here in Manhattan! My family in Bristol didn't even get their streets plowed after 3 days of being snowed in, so they had quite the cabin fever over the weekend. Here in the city, I'll admit, it quickly turned from a gorgeous powder to a messy slush in just a few hours. Winston wasn't thrilled about the waist-high sloppy puddles or the fact that he had to wear booties over his feet to protect him from the salt and chemical-soaked sidewalks.

The storm cancelled some of our weekend plans, but it also kept everyone we know in town! After one night of hibernating, we were anxious to get out on Saturday to see everyone and enjoy being dressed in our winter's warmest and defrosting our spirits with some...well...spirits!
Nemo slowed the advertising industry and the city of Manhattan down on Friday and gave us a much needed excuse to relax and be lazy without the stress or panic from not checking my emails or blackberry.
Thank you mother nature for the life time out, it couldn't have been more perfectly timed!
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