I have so much that I am thankful for. This has been one of the most amazing years of our lives and I could write for pages about how grateful I am for everything we have and everyone who is a part of it. Last year, I
itemized a few of the things that I am most grateful for, and I love going back to look through that post to remind myself of how blessed Mike and I are, even when we get caught up in our crazy Manhattan lives. This year, I'd like to count my blessings and thanks through a few pictures from this year's festivities. We have made quite a tradition out of the good ol' fashioned Connecticut Thanksgiving, and it's a weekend that I look forward to all year. So this year, I am grateful for:
My "little' Family...I love being married & I feel so blessed to be Mrs. Mobley & mommy to our little Winston |
The greatest parents anyone could ask for...I mean just look at them, they are the ONLY other family members who participated in "pajama surprise night"
 These crazy kids! I only wish we could see them more often!!!! |
My beautiful grandmother! She is an amazing woman & I'm her first born granddaughter (and probably her favorite ;P) |
Cousins!!!! Look at all those beautiful DuPonts |
The beautiful weather that allowed Pops to make his world famous "Weber Turkey" |
Our fabulous feast for 16 & the excellent cooking! |
Our gracious hosts! |
Living on the East Coast and getting to enjoy the beauty of autumn in all it's glory...there is no where like it in the world. |
Family game night and all the laughter (and emotions) that ensue. |
And how could I not mention the LOVE! I'm so blessed to have so much love in my life, and it'just keeps growing every day
I can't believe that my favorite holiday is already over and my body is thankful that I let it indulge excessively for the past 5 days. We missed Mike's parents dearly over the holiday and always wish that we could have one holiday where we are with them all, but we know that the realities of our geographic locations make things quite difficult. But it will be Christmas in no time, and we'll be seeing them in just a few short weeks. There are so many more things that we are grateful for, and I'll admit that it's often easy to forget to count your blessings when you get wrapped up in...well...LIFE! However, after the events of the Superstorm Sandy, I have never felt more thankful & more gracious for all that we have & our wonderful families. There really is nothing like the love of a family around the holidays. The Mobleys hope your families had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well. Now bring on the Christmas season!!!!
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