Have you ever read the Dr. Seuss Book
"Are you my Mother?", this is what
Winston is saying here!
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It's true...our little London gentleman is 3 years old...that makes him the legal drinking age in dog years. Dare I say it, but this may be his best year yet! Everyone close to the Mobley's know that Winston has had his fare share of visits to the vet & the doggie ER, but this has been his healthiest year yet (knock on wood!).

This is the entry where I talk about how sweet my little boy is. I don't have to worry about strangers petting him, or children grabbing his face, or really hyper puppies jumping on his head. He let's me squeeze his cheeks, pick him up in uncomfortable positions, pull on his paws, dress him up in silly costumes/outfits, poke him while he's sleeping, pinch his hiney and play with his jowels, without even the tiniest squeak of protest. While his energy spurts may be short lived, he loves everyone and will greet you with the wiggliest of butts you ever saw.

I fell in love with this baby 3 years ago and not a day goes by where I don't thank God for giving
us such a sweet loving little boy. I'm looking forward to another year of snuggles on the couch, deafening snores, slobbery kisses, puddles of drool, a 60lb tank sitting on my lap, and the doggie fits he throws. Thank you to Winston for making our lives and our days that much brighter (now if only we can figure out how to make our kids JUST like this!). I hope that your daddy and I make you as happy as you make us! Happy birthday big guy, and maybe mommy & daddy will let you have a Guinness and a bully stick on your special day!
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