Neither Mike, nor myself come from exceptionally large families. But one thing that my mother has always been adamant about while we were growing up was having the whole family home for "Sunday Dinners". Michael and I do not live in Texas, but the DuPont family continues the family Sunday Dinners every week that they are in town together. While this is not an uncommon tradition for many families, I've decided to start that same tradition with our little family here in New York.

Mike and I often have extremely busy weeks that consist of client dinners, corporate happy hours, all nighters at the agency, and late night conference calls from home. So needless to say, the week can very quickly get away from us and before we know's 11p and we find ourselves eating something leftover in the fridge, having cereal for dinner, or grabbing a bite to eat at the office, and the week gets away from us. And dinner time is the best time to just enjoy each other, and talk about our days. So it's unfortunate that sometimes we aren't able to take just 30 minutes to talk to each other without any distractions or interruptions.
Sunday Dinners are a great way to end the weekend & start off the week right. This week was particularly special because our dinner was made entirely from goodies we bought at the Union Square Farmer's Market. Call me naive, but there is something extremely festive about getting fresh summer corn straight from the farm as opposed to a grocery store.
So while the New York Mobleys have already been practicing Sunday Dinners to some extent, I'd like to make it more of a ritual as it is with my family, and so many other families we know. Even if it's football season, and the Bears are playing....we'll still sit down for a meal together. If we can be good about Sunday Dinners as a couple, we'll be so lucky to have the same tradition as our family grows in the future!
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