I can't believe it's been 2 years since Mike and I tied the knot in Laguna Beach, California! These past 730 days have been the best 2 years of my life, and the happiest I have ever been, and it's hard to believe how quickly time has flown. As I mentioned last year, Mike and I have adopted the tradition of alternating years in planning anniversary celebrations. Mike was in charge for our 1st anniversary, and we had a beautiful spring dinner and exchanged unique and thoughtful gifts of paper, the traditional gift for the first anniversary.

For our 2nd anniversary, I surprised Mike with a sailboat cruise on the Hudson River around Manhattan at sunset. The boat company had complimentary champagne, wine & beer on board, and I left work early to leave enough time to pick up a lobster roll picnic box from the Lobster Place in Chelsea Market to bring on board for our anniversary meal. I even had time to pick up special cupcakes & macaroons for our dessert.
Yesterday morning started out with some rain showers and a few low clouds...which was not optimal for a 2 hour tour on a boat. But by noon, all of the clouds parted, the sun came out, and the weather was perfect just in time for our 6p departure from Pier 62 on the west side. We boarded with about 6 other people on an 80 foot schooner and brought our hand-packed picnic boxes. Within five minutes of boarding, we were ssnuggled up and sailing across the Hudson river!
Every day that we are married has been an adventure, and I wanted our anniversary celebration to be another testament to that. Being married to Mike Mobley has ensured not only that life is full of surprises, but that life is full of reasons to be festive. Similar to last year, we also exchanged the traditional gifts for 2nd anniversary - and we bought each other gifts of cotton! And because it was part of our vows & wedding ceremony, I of course got red roses.
I'm thankful for each day that Mike brews and makes me the perfect cup of coffee, and for each time he cleans the bathroom, because it's just too gross for a girl to scrub. I'm so lucky to have a husband who takes care of dinner for us both when I'm working ridiculously late and is patient with my erratic work schedule. I'm happy that I'm married to a man who starts each morning with a song and who is the only person that can cheer Winston up enough to eat breakfast in the morning. I'm grateful that my husband will do whatever it takes to make sure I'm happy, even if that means letting me do a little bit more shopping...yikes! I believe I have the best travel partner in the entire world & I'm so appreciative of everything that we've experienced so far in our marriage together. We have quite a year ahead of us for the rest of 2013 & I can't wait to celebrate 3 years together in 2014, and every year after that!