I know it's cliche, but we are true believers in making lemonade out of lemons. We have stayed devoted to overcoming adversities by overcompensating with the positive. At the beginning of this year, I vowed that our resolution would be to "live more spontaneously", and that was the key to staying optimistic and having an unforgettable 2013. Each year, I have a general theme for how I want to live. 2012 was a year of "firsts", and 2013 was a year of spontaneity.

Sure, the 49ers didn't take home the Lombardi trophy from that game, but holy COW was that an amazing experience. Until we go to another Super Bowl (which I vow to do in my lifetime if the 49ers or the Bears make it back!), this will be one of the best moments in sports that I've ever experienced. Mike and I made an impulse decision to go to New Orleans just 9 days before the big game - and we just made it work!
2. Taking on new challenges

3. A return to Italy
Not even 8 months since we returned from a truly special Italian vacation in September of 2012, Mike and I went back to one of our favorite travel destinations when we received a wedding invite to our dear friend's nuptials in Siena. Sure, it was a little extravagant to return to Tuscany after an extremely gluttonous experience last year, and MAYBE we should put that money towards our savings for a house....but those thoughts never even crossed our minds when we opened up that invitation. We booked hotels the very day we read that email...and never thought twice! And thank God we did...because it was another epic experience.
Mike and I were ALL over the place in September....I don't think we spent one weekend home in the city. But when we got a Wednesday afternoon invite to go to Chicago for the Notre Dame Football game - how could we say no??? An opportunity not only to see one of the most famous stadiums in the entire world AND reunite with some of my favorite DuPonts....it was a no-brainer. Yes, it would be exhausting, but it was worth it. Being spontaneous always is...
When Mike and I actually WERE home an entire weekend - we bought a car! After some Sunday afternoon football, we were inspired by a Columbus Day Jeep commercial....so naturally, we followed our instincts and bought a car the very next day!
6. Our last minute Scottish adventure
After finding out that I had to be in Scotland for a work engagement, Mike and I immediately pulled together an extension for another Mobley adventure! We didn't have our typical 8 months of planning for this one, in fact it was organized in a matter of days, but it was an incredible journey - and I'm absolutely, head-over-heels in LOVE with the country of Scotland. I can't wait to go back there with some of our family one day.
Like any year, 2013 had it's obstacles and minor difficulties, and not every day was rainbows and adventures in far away lands. But the key for us this year was in how we overcame these little bumps in the road to make this year another fantastic 12 months. And thankfully, we were extremely lucky to avoid any serious hardships in 2013. So after a year that was truly unexpected and ridiculously delightful, I'm sad to see this year come to an end. But each year has continued to out-do the previous one, so I know that Mike and I are in for a year full of surprises in 2014. I find comfort in knowing that with my husband, every year will be epic. Thank you to all of you who have been a part of our lives this year, and we hope to see more of you all in 2014!