We've now experienced the first 2 heat waves of the 2012 summer. Now that we've officially transitioned into the real months of summer, it's about that time for my seasonal appreciation entry. I've already written ones for Fall, Winter, and Spring, so this will be the completion of all the seasons. When I first moved to New York in 2010, it wasn't Winter that gave me the blues. I actually had the hardest time adjusting to summer. It wasn't because I don't love the season, it's because it was so different from summer in California, some ways good, and some ways...not so good. Over the past 2 years, I've gained a greater appreciation for the summer months and long for the festivities that come along with the season. It's these few little delights that make you really look forward to the dog days...
Summer Fridays - I think I've talked about this quite a bit in my blog. There really is nothing like a guilt-free day off work to start your beach weekend off early. It's a universal understanding in the industry, that Fridays are the least productive days of the work week. The agency staff is skeletal, our clients instruct us not to schedule any meetings, and the traffic out of the city is heavy. Every coastal destination in the Northeast becomes a haven for New Yorkers craving a getaway. Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and the Hamptons have been our retreats of choice for the past two years, but the great thing about the East Coast is that there are so many more places to explore. Maybe one of these summers we'll get out to Newport, RI, or Nantucket, or somewhere else nautical and beach-y!

Fireflies - I'm not sure where fireflies are native, but we definitely didn't have them in Orange County. My brother and I used to catch fireflies out in the woods at my grandmother's home in Connecticut. I think I've only seen them in heavily wooded areas. When we were walking home from the East Village the other night, there were lightening bugs going nuts in the park. Yes, fireflies in the city!!! There is something so innocent and festive about catching little lightening bugs in glass mason jars and watching their hinies light up. When you are an adult, it seems like every minute of your life is devoted to something "very important"or is carefully planned out weeks or MONTHS in advance. But when you're a kid...you have time to just catch fireflies.
The Fruits of Summer - Nothing says summer like strawberry picking! We went last year in Connecticut and came home with what seems like tens of pounds of strawberries. Last weekend, Fresh Direct (where I order my groceries) reminded me that watermelon is in season...and watermelon means summer. Drippy, sticky, juicy watermelon that you eat and get all over your face....but it's ok because you're just going to hop in the pool right after. That is summer, and that my friends, is festive.

Raw bars & Lobster - One of our favorite things to do on a date night is head out to the Shack in our neighborhood and go to town on the raw bar and any type of summery sea food. Oysters, crab legs, crab claws, steamers, lobster, you name it! And the messier it is, the more delicious. I can't get enough of the shellfish goodness
The Smells - There are a few scents that are universally reminiscent of summer. The smell of chlorine on your skin from a dip in the pool, fresh cut or wet grass from having the sprinklers on, the smell of wet pavement after a summer thunderstorm, fresh squeezed lemons, and SUNSCREEN! Oh that little hint of coconutty goodness in sunscreen... Just a quick sniff of any of these things brings me back to the innocence of summer. It brings be back to the 2.5 months of the year as a kid when your biggest care in the world is making sure you don't get sunburned, or making sure you pack a big enough lunch for the beach. I've been stocking up on Yankee Candle's seasonal scents, because let's face it, you can't exactly get that sprinkler-on-the-grass smell from the city.

Ice Cream Trucks - Calories don't exist in the summer. Yeah...you spend most of the summer in barely there clothes or bikinis, but ice cream trucks are just irresistible. It doesn't really matter if I get an ice cream cone, or a novelty Ninja Turtle on a stick with bubble gum for the eyes, it's festive. And sometimes seeing an ice cream truck in the heat is like a little mirage in the desert...only it's real...and much more delicious. And in the city, you don't have to worry about chasing them down the street because you can find them on every corner when it's a hot, steamy day.
BBQs - Anything can be barbequed in the summer. Whether it's the usual burgers, hot dogs, and corn on the cob or something more creative, like grilled grapefruit or nectarines, everything tastes a little more festive with a few charred grill lines on there. It's a real shame that BBQs are illegal in the city because of the danger they pose for potential fires. Sometimes the reason for an impromptu trip out to Connecticut or Princeton is specifically to enjoy the fruits of a well-grilled meal.

Baseball - I love spending the evening in the warm summer breeze enjoying a cold brewskie and a hot dog while watching one of your favorite teams. Summer is baseball season...and baseball is American...good ol' fashioned American pastime.
It's going to get pretty steamy here in Manhattan the next few months, but it's worth it to enjoy all the fun that comes along during June, July & of course August. It's going to be a great season, and I look forward to keeping you all posted on the 2012 Summer of the Mobleys. May you have plenty of all of the above in your summer!